Monday, December 9, 2019

Assignment #9

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Hi, I'm peter. Harvard found the key of happiness is relationship. The better relationship, the more happiness.
He also told us time is for loving.
To be honest, I was surprised to  Dr. Robert’s findings,According to my opinion,
 I thought happiness is you have endless money.
Because you can buy everything that you want to buy, you can travel the place you want to go very much, you even can stay at home everyday
, you have time to exercise to keep your body health.
I even think the money can make good relationship.
Because if you have endless money,you can use money hang out with your friend you don't need to worry about money and
 have enough time can accompany friend and family.

Monday, December 2, 2019


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Hi, I'm peter. I am always procrastinating.  I usually do the thing nearly deadline.  Because I like have fun ,don't like work hard.
If no have the "Panic Monster", I would never do the thing.
To stop procrastinating, the best way is make schedule.  If you have a schedule ,you will more efficient.
In schedule,  you can write down everything you have to do and it's deadline.
 As long as you do the thing along the schedule, you are not procrastinator.
That's my opnion.  By the way,
if you lost the schedule, congratulation! you are happier.